
Going to a festival? Don't forget to pack these genius headphones that will protect your ears from developing tinnitus

If you love live music and clubbing, then listen up…
Loop Ear Plugs Will Save Your Hearing This Festival Season

As the saying goes, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone; and sometimes a risk of losing something is enough to make you take action. Hearing is something we never really take that seriously.

Sure we’d wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun, and SPF to protect our skin, but what about our ears? The British Medical Journal recently reported that 1.1 billion young people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss from unsafe listening practices, and if you regularly go to gigs where the sound can reach 120 decibels or higher, you’re at risk of irreversible hearing loss and tinnitus. I recently started taking my hearing seriously when I had a constant high pitched ringing in my ears for 3 days straight for no apparent reason. After self-diagnosing myself with tinnitus and after watching a few YouTube videos about how to cope with it, the ringing started to disappear and I felt relieved and quite fortunate. It was quite a wake up call for someone who loves music so much…

I remember when I first started to go clubbing and seeing some fellow dancers put in the not very attractive fluro coloured foam ear plugs. You’d see people point them out and comment on them, and in all honesty I had a lot of respect for them using the earplugs, but I rarely used them myself as I didn’t want to attract attention and for anyone to think anything less of me as silly as that sounds. I attached a very ‘uncool’ geeky image to these earplugs, and I now realise that that was a big mistake.

Within the last few years, I’ve found myself amongst fellow raving friends and I’ve noticed a few of them wearing better-looking ear plugs. I asked what they were wearing, did some research, and eventually came across Loop Earplugs.

The earplugs are designed to reduce sound without affecting sound quality by mimicking your ears’ acoustical function. This patented technology combines an acoustic channel with mesh to reduce ambient sounds by 18 dB while keeping sound crisp and clear.

Stylish, jewellery-like earplugs and very easy to put in, I gave them a go on a night out, and haven’t looked back since. Since then they’ve bought out different versions that vary in the amount of sound they take out, meaning you can decide how much of the world you want to let in. Once you've decided what set works for you, I'd recommend you attach a set to your keys, as you'll actually find yourself using them more than you think and you'll not have to remember to bring them along.

Experience Plus Ear Plugs

The best thing about using these earplugs on a night out, is that you can literally have a normal conversation with a mate whilst the music carries on in the same room. If someone is shouting down your ear in conversation, it no longer hurts, and when you do take the earplugs out as you leave, you really do notice how much sound you are blocking out. Plus you won't have any of that ringing in your ear the next day.

Don't get me wrong, there's been a couple of times where I've wanted to take them out as I either felt too conscious in what people would think of me or I noticed a difference in volume (because I've become so accustom to the loudness!), but give it a try on a couple of different nights out, chat to your friends about it asking them what they think about them, open a discussion and you'll soon find yourself using them A LOT! So much so, you'll end up trying them out in different scenarios (if your partner snores, then the Loop Quiet earplugs have been a godsend for me!)

Basically, it's the protection and comfort I didn't know I needed, I really wish I had started using earplugs properly in my early 20's, and hopefully this will be a trend that doesn't go quiet…

Loop earplugs start from £19.95 and are available from